A fascinating project to comment and disassemble the disk operating system for Apple IIs, with a focus on explaining why choices were made and what different approaches accomplish. Done with the approval of Steve Wozniak, apparently; a fascinating study for people who want to know how it was done.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
cmd.brun.bload.txt 70479 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: BRUN Command Handler
| cmd.interpr.s.txt | 24856 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Command Interpreter State Handler
| cmdappnd.txt | 65413 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: APPEND Command Handler
| cmdbsave.txt | 77417 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: BSAVE Command Handler
| cmdcatlg.txt | 37205 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: CATALOG Command Handler
| cmdchain.txt | 61122 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: CHAIN Command Handler
| cmdclose.txt | 35927 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: CLOSE Command Handler
| cmdelete.txt | 23616 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: DELETE Command Handler
| cmdexec.2.txt | 103652 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Command Executor
| cmdexec.txt | 39321 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: EXEC Command Handler
| cmdfp.txt | 68489 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: FP Command Handler
| cmdint.txt | 10188 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: INT Command Handler
| cmdmxfil.txt | 55938 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: MAXFILES Command Handler
| cmdopen.txt | 45587 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: OPEN Command Handler
| cmdposn.txt | 42717 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: POSITION Command Handler
| cmdread.2.txt | 83503 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: READ Command Handler
| cmdread.txt | 62770 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: READ Command Handler
| cmdrenam.txt | 35623 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RENAME Command Handler
| cmds.load.run.txt | 98551 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RUN Command Handler
| cmdwrite.txt | 79212 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: WRITE Command Handler
| dissassembly.er.txt | 64382 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Disassembly of Errors
| doscoldstart.txt | 112297 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: DOS's Coldstart Routine
| doswarmstart.txt | 99075 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: DOS's Warmstart Routine
| file.manager.s.txt | 30462 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: File Manager from the DOS Source (1982)
| fn.lock.unlock.txt | 45141 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: LOCK and UNLOCK Function Handlers
| fncatlog.txt | 25093 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: CATALOG Function Handler
| fnclose.txt | 29679 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: CLOSE Function Handler
| fndelete.txt | 66021 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: DELETE Function Handler
| fninit.txt | 24242 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: INIT Function Handler
| fnopen.txt | 72819 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: OPEN Function Handler
| fnposn.txt | 9336 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Position Function Handler
| fnrename.txt | 45761 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RENAME Function Handler
| fnverify.txt | 73736 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: VERIFY Function Handler
| psnrdone.txt | 87724 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Read Function Handler
| psnrdrng.txt | 89742 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Read Function Handler
| psnwrone.txt | 96711 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Write Function Handler
| psnwrrng.txt | 98564 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Write Function Handler
| references.txt | 8122 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Reference Texts
| rwts.d1.format.txt | 105655 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RWTSDRV1 using FORMAT
| rwts.drvr.seek.txt | 64116 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RWTSDRVR using SEEK
| rwts.s.txt | 17239 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: R.W.T.S From the DOS Source (1982)
| rwtsd1.format.2.txt | 44543 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RWTSDRV1 using FORMAT Continued
| rwtsdrvr.read.txt | 106457 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RWTSDRVR using READ
| rwtsdrvr.write.txt | 108779 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: RWTSDRVR using WRITE
| symbol.cross.ref.txt | 63430 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Cross Referenced Symbol Tables
| t.dos.9d00.9f22.txt | 27268 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Addresses Referred to By DOS
| t.dos.9f23.a232.txt | 28331 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Output Handler 2 (Ignore Non-DOS Command)
| t.dos.a233.a50f.txt | 26408 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: The MON and NOMON Command Handlers
| t.dos.a510.a850.txt | 27529 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Various Command Handlers
| t.dos.a851.ac57.txt | 25750 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Initialize I/O Hooks for DOS Interception
| t.dos.ac58.aff6.txt | 28061 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.aff7.b2c2.txt | 27048 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.b2c3.b65c.txt | 26293 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.b65d.b7ff.txt | 13631 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.b800.bcff.txt | 24468 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.bd00.bfff.txt | 28078 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Additional Functions
| t.dos.driver.txt | 1926 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: DOS Driver for Linear Disassembly (September 1983)
| t.xtraddrs.txt | 8777 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: Addresses Used in the Formatted Disassembly's.
| ver.lock.unlock.txt | 37434 | DOS 3.3 Anatomy: VERIFY, LOCK and UNLOCK Command Handlers
| |
There are 59 files for a total of 3,041,714 bytes. |